Justice and Advocacy · Psychology and mental illness · Recovery

Rethinking Victimhood

“Don’t be a victim.” “You have a victim mentality.” “I’m not a victim.” “I’m not like a typical victim.” These statements are often normalized and seen as signs of strength and resilience. We don’t want to give our abusers so much credit as to define ourselves by what they did to us. However, these phrases… Continue reading Rethinking Victimhood

Growing Up Jeub · Homeschooling · Recovery

How Harmful is Educational Neglect?

For the past several weeks, I’ve been re-entering the world of Duolingo. Since I first used the app about a decade ago, it has received a full makeover and many additional courses. It now includes math and music challenges, and I’ve been enjoying those a great deal. When you start a new course, the app… Continue reading How Harmful is Educational Neglect?


Letter of Self-Compassion: Learning to learn

Learning takes effort and the capacity to wrestle past frustration. What’s referred to as a “learning curve” is more tolerable for some people than for others. While some of this tolerance is innate, a large amount of it comes from experiences. My tolerance for the frustrating process of learning something new is very low. I… Continue reading Letter of Self-Compassion: Learning to learn

Growing Up Jeub · Homeschooling · Justice and Advocacy

Children Do Not Belong to You

Content warning: this piece discusses child abuse and neglect.  “Children, you are about to be told one more time that you are America’s most valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources?! Have you seen a strip mine? Have you seen a clear cut in the forest? Have you seen… Continue reading Children Do Not Belong to You

Personal reflections · Psychology and mental illness · Recovery

Letter of Self-Compassion: Writer’s Block

“There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” This phrase is commonly attributed to Hemingway, but may have been said by Red Smith in an interview about column writing. I haven’t read the works of either of these men, but for years I lived by this… Continue reading Letter of Self-Compassion: Writer’s Block

Personal reflections · Psychology and mental illness · Recovery · Religion and Spirituality

Letters of Self-Compassion: Heaven

2015 was so full of transformations. I worked three different jobs, and my relationships were in a constant state of flux. It seemed like I was constantly losing friends while precariously trying to make new ones. At the beginning of the year I found myself sick of trying, as I had desperately all my life,… Continue reading Letters of Self-Compassion: Heaven