
Patreon and Substack Discounts

Every month, I make one paycheck through Patreon. This is to support me and my work as a writer.

My number of supporters has fluctuated widely over the years. At this point, I am making less than what I need to pay my half of rent.

I’ve been trying to raise money as needed throughout each month, but that often leaves me hanging on by a thread over day-to-day needs.

Today I sat down and did the math on rent, bills, and other needs to figure out what I will need in the upcoming month. To break even, I need to raise an additional $400.

Rather than asking you to make a direct donation, I’d like to ask you to support my writing so you can get access to my locked writings.

Right now, there are two ways to do that: you can make a Patreon pledge, or subscribe to my Substack.

For just $5 a month, you’ll unlock a collection of the writings on either platform. Here’s the thing: if I want to raise $400, I’d need to get 80 different pledges or subscriptions. That’s a lot.

However, right now I have discounts if you sign up for an annual plan. It will give you access for an entire year, and you can cancel at any time before you get charged again next year. At that rate, I only need 8 people to reach my goal instead of 80.

Please consider helping support my writing! I’m doing my best to write as often as possible, and the less time and energy I spend fundraising, the more I can write.

All my links can be found on my linktree.

Thank you so much for reading!