
Daughters of Patriarchy, Part 3: Embracing Oppression

When I was still riding in a car-seat, my mom liked to play Christian songs for kids on tape. One of them went, “I’m in-right, outright, upright, downright happy all the time!Since Jesus Christ came inAnd cleansed my heart from sinI’m in-right outright upright downright happy all the time!” My mom would often tell me… Continue reading Daughters of Patriarchy, Part 3: Embracing Oppression


Daughters of Patriarchy, Part 2: Denial

Content note: this post briefly mentions rape but does not go into detail. Patriarchy has layers of subtlety. Our society, culture, and world are all patriarchal. Men don’t have to understand the word “patriarchy” to benefit from it. In a patriarchal setting, sons are of more worth than daughters, because sons carry on their father’s… Continue reading Daughters of Patriarchy, Part 2: Denial

Justice and Advocacy · Personal reflections · Religion and Spirituality · Science and Philosophy

Revealing Poverty: The Legacy of Barbara Ehrenreich

One of my favorite authors passed away two days ago. Her name was Barbara Ehrenreich, and I continue to draw inspiration from her. She wrote with cutting passion about injustice and inequality. She also carried a severe skepticism toward every assumption, resulting in honest revelations about even the most difficult subjects. In over twenty books,… Continue reading Revealing Poverty: The Legacy of Barbara Ehrenreich