Justice and Advocacy · Personal reflections · Religion and Spirituality · Science and Philosophy

Revealing Poverty: The Legacy of Barbara Ehrenreich

One of my favorite authors passed away two days ago. Her name was Barbara Ehrenreich, and I continue to draw inspiration from her. She wrote with cutting passion about injustice and inequality. She also carried a severe skepticism toward every assumption, resulting in honest revelations about even the most difficult subjects. In over twenty books,… Continue reading Revealing Poverty: The Legacy of Barbara Ehrenreich

Growing Up Jeub · Justice and Advocacy · Personal reflections · Psychology and mental illness · Recovery

Close Clarity

I entered adulthood wholly uneducated and unprepared for life. I was homeschooled until I was 19. When I tried attending a local university while living with my parents, I had no time to study. I also had no respect for academia. In my mind, my own ignorant Christian beliefs were superior to whatever I might… Continue reading Close Clarity

Personal reflections · Recovery · Science and Philosophy

What I Do and Don’t Know

The older I get, the more I realize how inadequate my education was. My writing, my strongest skill, is littered with grammatical errors. I am passionate about the injustices I’ve discovered in the years since I’ve started educating myself, instead of relying on my parents to inform me about the world. When two people are… Continue reading What I Do and Don’t Know