Recovery · Religion and Spirituality · Science and Philosophy

Losing grip on eternity: Part 1: Foundations and Questions

Content note (added January 2024): This post was originally posted on July 27, 2015. It contains a historical inaccuracy. The Quran was not written and published until about 600 years after the beginning of Christianity.  “I was swimming through the wavesFor what must have been daysBut could find no relief;When I started sinking downI thought… Continue reading Losing grip on eternity: Part 1: Foundations and Questions

Religion and Spirituality · Science and Philosophy

How Christianity Became Just Another Religion to Me

This is a repost from the archives. Well, in case you missed it…I’m not a Christian anymore. My religion officially died sometime in February this year, when, during a conversation with the Infinite One, I realized I didn’t need anyone’s permission to stop struggling with the theologies I’d been trying to reconcile and defend for… Continue reading How Christianity Became Just Another Religion to Me

Justice and Advocacy · Religion and Spirituality · Sexuality and Sex Education

Purity Culture and My Sexuality

Re-upload note July 2018: I originally pissed my family off by coming out as a Christian ally to gays and lesbians, notwithstanding the education I had yet to receive on the fully inclusive LGBTAIQP community. Within a year, I realized that I was bisexual, and had suppressed and minimized any feelings I had toward femme… Continue reading Purity Culture and My Sexuality

Personal reflections · Psychology and mental illness · Religion and Spirituality

Compassion as a Prerequisite to Questioning

I used to really hate emotion. I didn’t think it was logical to trust your feelings. What do your emotions know? They’re just a distraction or an obstacle to doing the reasonable thing. As it turns out, intuition is ridiculously helpful. Our subconscious awareness is way ahead of our conscious awareness a lot of the… Continue reading Compassion as a Prerequisite to Questioning

Personal reflections · Religion and Spirituality

When Positivity is the Problem

The mask I’m grieving is a forced smile. This makes therapy difficult, because many of the solutions to depression include focusing on the positive. My counselors have said they’re working with a rare case – usually they work depressed people toward seeing the bright side of life, but I worked my way to depression through positivity. I… Continue reading When Positivity is the Problem

Growing Up Jeub · Psychology and mental illness · Religion and Spirituality

How a Logical Girl Talked Herself into Fundamentalism, Part 3

This is the third and final part of a series. Click here to read from the beginning, or here to go to part 2. Trigger warning: child abuse “Icy roads beneath my feet, Lead me through wastelands of deceit, Rest your head now, don’t you cry, Don’t ever ask the reason why.” –Opeth When Tangled… Continue reading How a Logical Girl Talked Herself into Fundamentalism, Part 3

Religion and Spirituality

Why Spiritual Highs Scare Me

I’ve been listening to a song lately with a poetic description of something everybody, religious or non-religious, experiences: spiritual highs. It’s called Rudy by Supertramp, from my favorite of their albums, Crime of the Century. Beginning with the words “Rudy’s on a train to nowhere,” it escalates into Rudy realizing he needs to get his life together. From… Continue reading Why Spiritual Highs Scare Me

Religion and Spirituality

I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel, You’re Just Not Preaching It

This article was republished by the Huffington Post under a different title with some changes. So this morning I woke up to the following photo on my Facebook feed: I left a quick comment on both my friend’s post and the original post from Ken Ham. I think Ham deleted my comment on his post… Continue reading I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel, You’re Just Not Preaching It

Religion and Spirituality

Sinners in the hands of an angry church

Repost: originally published June 22, 2013. I no longer believe in God but this post remains important.  Earlier this week, a ministry of gigantic proportions shut itself down. Exodus International was known for decades as the most prominent “ex-gay” organization in the nation. This meant they tried to make gay people become straight with counseling… Continue reading Sinners in the hands of an angry church